Sunday, July 10, 2016

Barcelona: Modernista Architecture-Casa Lleo Morera

Modernisme or Modernista is Cataluyna's distinct version of what was happening worldwide at the end of the 19th century.  In France it was Art Nouveau, in Germany, Jugendstil, and in Austria, Secessionism. Barcelona is a haven of this architecture with its focus on nature and form.
The first Modernists building we visited was Casa Lleo Morera, located on the same street as our apartment, Passeig de Gracia.  The existing house underwent renovation in1905 by Lluis Domenech I Montaner for the new owners.  His work reflects the Modernist movement with a dash of Renaissance.  He brought together top craftsmen to bring his design to life.  
Fireplace with wood cravings and mosaics

Painted ceiling and sculpture (from concrete not stone) over doorway shows Renaissance influence

 One of the more spectacular aspects of the house is the former dining room which has a beautiful stained glass window and well preserved mosaics.  
We can affirm that this part of the dining room gets hot in the summer.  There were doors to close it off.

The walls on the inner part of the dining room were covered in scenes done in mosaics.

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